Childhood FriendsChildhood Friends: How to Nurture a Strong Bond

During childhood, we learn the amazing art of making friends. We use this skill throughout our lives. However, during childhood, this skill of making friends remains quite new to us, therefore, we experiment with it by making many new friends. The childhood friends we make become a significant part of our lives, but for a short period because we move towards adolescence.

Childhood friends play a crucial role in shaping our personality, affecting our habits and influencing our learning. Additionally, we spend a lot of time playing, learning, and doing activities. However, as we grow and move towards adolescence, we tend to make new friends forgetting those we made in childhood. In all this, we lose some of our childhood besties. 

Therefore, the question arises of how to nurture a strong bond and keep childhood friendships as an invaluable part of your life. Well, we will get the answer to this question with practical solutions justifying them. Let’s begin!

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Ways to Keep Childhood Friendships Strong

These are some ways to keep your childhood bestie closer:

Keep connected

When we move towards adolescence, the worst thing that happens to us is that we forget our best friends from childhood as we get new friends. We lose contact and do not even try to find them. If we see them somewhere, we just formally greet them.

It is the connection that breaks and becomes a reason for giving rise to such a scenario. Therefore, we mustn’t lose contact with our childhood besties, and keep connected with them using various methods. Nowadays, it is easy to do so by texting them using any instant messaging app. Moreover, you can share posts, reels, etc. with them. These things won’t let the connection break.

Meet them when possible

If you care about your best friends from childhood, then don’t forget to meet them whenever it is possible. For this purpose, you and your friends have to agree. Once you are ready, schedule a meet-up and get ready to enjoy some great moments.

Generally, what we see is that we keep our childhood friends on low priority, therefore seldom meeting them. Nonetheless, if you keep meeting them once in a while, your bond with them will exist. 

Establish a mutual connection

Suppose, you and your childhood bestie parted ways to pursue higher education and explore career opportunities. In the journey, you both made new friends forgetting or maybe deprioritising each other. 

To avoid this, you can do one thing, introduce your new friends to your childhood friends and create a mutual connection. Whenever you get an opportunity, socialise together so that you all become familiar with each other. 

Celebrate moments together

Be it your birthday, your day of graduation, or any other special occasion, don’t forget to invite your friends to join you. When you celebrate this precious moment of life with your childhood friends, you both will feel a special connection, as a result, your bond will strengthen.

Moreover, it is obvious that if you invite them to your celebrations, they will reciprocate. Hence, creating opportunities to meet and greet.

Be available during tough times

Last but not least, the most important thing is to stand by your friends during tough times. If you make friends, you must stay through their thick and thin. When you remain available for them, they will never forget this.

All such kinds of acts give you a chance to strengthen your friendship.

Benefits of Keeping Friendship With Childhood Friends

Well, we learnt about the ways to keep friendships with friends since childhood. Now, it is time to know the benefits of keeping friends with them:

Good for your well-being

Your childhood besties are the ones with whom you spent the invaluable years of your childhood. You studied, played, roamed, and did a lot of activities together. You share many memorable moments with them, therefore, when you remain closer to them, you are less likely to feel depressed.

Remembering the glorious time you spent with them makes you feel good, moreover, this will help you be thankful to your buddies. Their presence in itself will bring a smile to your face.

You remain closer to your roots

When you become successful in life, it is important to stay grounded and closer to your roots. With childhood friends, you see many ups and downs. You even spend the hardest days together, therefore, when you have their company, you are less likely to become arrogant. 

When they are with you, you remember your past, therefore staying humble and thankful. 

They are your real friends

When you become successful in your professional life, you make a lot of friends, but most of these friends stay for an advantage. However, when one is in childhood, he never considers his aspirations and cares more about his friends. So, the friends since your childhood are the real ones. They accepted you without looking for any advantages or favour.


Every friend is a blessing in disguise but childhood friends are like angels. They know everything about you as you play together, learn together and do a lot of things. However, due to some other commitments, you need to part ways. 

Nonetheless, there are ways like keeping connected, celebrating moments together, staying by each other during tough times, etc. to keep them closer. When you have a strong bond with your childhood besties, you have improved personal well-being, and you remain humble.

By Anshuman

Hii, I am Anshuman, I have a zeal to write therefor, I love to express myself using words. I have done my masters in English literature and have interest in diverse fields. Since my college days, I have been taking a great interest in content writing, specially the blogs. I love to write about Friendship, self-improvement, love and relatioship, travel, family, tech and gadgets and entertainment. I have been writing blogs in the above-mentioned niche for more than 3 years and have published hundreds of blogs online. I love to read novels, watch movies, listening to music and solo travelling.

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