Friendzoned by a GirlFriendzoned by a Girl

We make a lot of friends, some are girls and others are boys. Sometimes, our bond with a friend of the opposite gender becomes so strong that we start liking her. As time passes, that it into love. However, you need to express those feelings. But, sometimes, those feelings are not reciprocated.  In our friend circle, we often hear that someone is friendzoned, but you may wonder what that means. Well, let’s get its meaning, and then we will learn the reasons for being friendzoned by a girl. 

Read a related blog- How to Deal With Rejection

Friendzoned meaning

If we talk about friendzoned meaning, it means you are in a situation where you have romantic feelings for someone, but the other person doesn’t validate it. She only sees you as a friend. 

In such a situation, you become heartbroken and feel bad about your feelings being hurt. But as a mature being, you need to understand the other person’s feelings, reasons and situation as well. Rather than blaming yourself or the person, find out why you were friendzoned!

Perhaps, both girls and boys are friendzoned, but in this blog, we will discuss why boys are friendzoned..  Also, we will learn 5 reasons for being friendzoned by a girl. 

Reasons For Friendzoned by a Girl

  • Girls have too many options- Generally, girls have too many options to choose from unlike boys. If a girl friendzoned you, it might be possible that you were not her first choice. Also, there are possibilities that you might not be on her list of prospect lovers. 
  • Absence of feelings for you- Another reason for getting jilted by a girl could be that she doesn’t have the same feelings as you. She only considers you a friend, nothing more than that. If you take her kindness, care, and smile, as a sign of love, you are a fool like other immature boys. 

    There might be other reasons like you are not her type or she doesn’t see a partner in you.
  • Maybe she’s already committed- Almost everyone has secrets, and it is possible that she also has many, being committed can be one of them. She is your friend, and you share everything, but she might not be comfortable sharing such personal matters with you. Therefore, she might not have told you that she was already committed. 
  • Lack of Confidence and Boldness- Generally, girls don’t like those boys who have a lack of confidence and are meek. They are more attracted to the ones who are bold and forward. Ones who know how to express themselves and take a stand. If you are also a shy person and lack confidence, this might be the reason for being friendzoned by a girl.
  • She knows you well- In a friendship, we know almost everything about our friend. It might be the case that she knows you too well that she sees too many bad things in you that turn her off. See, girls are very observant, they observe everything around them. Your friend may also have observed you and found something that she doesn’t like in you. Therefore, you had to face the disappointment of rejection.

Also read, 7 Powerful Proverbs About Friendship

What to Do When You Get Friendzoned

Give Her Some Space- Everyone deserves personal space, especially when someone goes through something like an unexpected proposal. So, when you feel you are being friendzoned by a girl, give her some space and you also enjoy your own space. It will help you cope with the rejection and move forward.

Spend Time Doing Something Interesting- While you try to get over the unexpected rejection, spend time doing something that you love. It can be as simple as listening to music, writing a poem or a journal, or something else. It will help you recover from the disappointment and get back on the track.

When you feel you are good and let go of the rejection, you can focus on maintaining the friendship that you had earlier.

Don’t Change Your Behavior- Don’t change your behaviour if you are being friendzoned by a girl. Keep the same attitude and talk with her in the same way you talked earlier. If she notices any behavioural change in you, she will simply cut you off or push you away.

Last but not least, keep her as a friend. If she is not interested in having a relationship with you, it doesn’t mean you should abandon her. Generally, people stop talking to each other after such an event, but it only shows your immaturity. 

By Anshuman

Hii, I am Anshuman, I have a zeal to write therefor, I love to express myself using words. I have done my masters in English literature and have interest in diverse fields. Since my college days, I have been taking a great interest in content writing, specially the blogs. I love to write about Friendship, self-improvement, love and relatioship, travel, family, tech and gadgets and entertainment. I have been writing blogs in the above-mentioned niche for more than 3 years and have published hundreds of blogs online. I love to read novels, watch movies, listening to music and solo travelling.

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