7 Powerful Proverbs About Friendship7 Powerful Proverbs About Friendship

Before talking about proverbs about friendship, we need to understand Friendship first. We can define it as the most unique relationship that we humans form. In the process of making a friend, Initially, we remain strangers, then we become acquaintances. If a deep connection is formed, we become friends and when a friend goes through all the ups and downs of life with us and we have mutual understanding, trust and loyalty, eventually we become best friends.

It is a universal truth that, one who has good friends has a beautiful life, even the hardest situations feel easy. Friends compliment, support, teach, and play major roles in our lives. However, if we have some bad friends, our life, including our personality takes a toll. Therefore, forming friendships with the people who deserve your time, trust, attention, and loyalty is imperative. 

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Well, many famous proverbs about friendship define it well and teach us lessons so that we form good friendships. Religious texts also mention friendship, you can find friendship in the bible verses, in Geeta, and other texts. 

In this blog, we will discuss some of the most powerful proverbs about friendship, including the best friendship Bible verses. Let’s begin

Powerful Proverbs About Friendship

These are some of the famous proverbs about friendship with their definition:

  1. “Friends are the family you choose.”

Source- Jess C. Scott, an American writer of fiction and non-fiction literary writing is famous for popularizing this proverb about friendship. However, the exact origin of this saying is unknown. Scott used this line in his writings which made it one of the most famous proverbs about friendship.

Meaning- This proverb has a deep meaning suggesting that friendship is a very meaningful relationship. Friendships can be as strong as family relationships. We form such relationships with the people we choose, unlike family relationships which we get by birth.

They become a part of the family after spending years with us. Loyalty, trust, and support become an integral part of such a friendship. As a result, they also fulfil some of the responsibilities of family members. 

These friendships provide us with support, encouragement, and many things that one’s family provides. Therefore, it can’t be denied that some friends are so special that they become our chosen family members. 

  1. “A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.”

Source- Although the exact source of this proverb is unknown, Gabriel García Márquez, a Colombian Nobel Laureate in literature is credited with making this proverb popular. He used this line in his novels and writings. Márquez is famous for writing on love, friendship, and human connections.  He was also a renowned motivational speaker and often used this line in his speeches. 

Meaning- We can’t forget this line when we talk about proverbs about friendship. It conveys that a true friend always provides you with both physical and emotional support. “Reaches for your hand” signifies physical support and “Touches your heart” implies emotional support and connection. This proverb emphasizes the importance of deep connections between friends.

This proverb speaks about friendship not as viewed by the materialistic world, but as a spiritual connection. A true friendship is a unique relationship in which people have empathy, understanding, support and trust in each other.

  1. “A friend to all is a friend to none.”

Source- This friendship proverb is said to be made popular by Aristotle, the Greek philosopher. In one of his seminal works, “Nicomachean Ethics”, he talks about aspects of friendship and qualities that a person should look for in a friend. 

Meaning- When we talk about small proverbs on friendship, this line comes to our mind first. This is one of the best proverbs about friendship as it teaches an important lesson to us. 

Friendship is a kind of relationship, that is pure and free from judgement, envy, and other negative things. One cannot have a deep connection with everyone he is acquainted with, therefore, not everybody is his friend.

Through this proverb, Aristotle warns us of outcomes that one may face if one befriended everyone around him. Also, he emphasizes that one should pay attention to the quality of friends, instead of how many friends he has.

A person should have fewer friends, who are trustworthy, reliable and always available for you during times of need.

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  1. “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

Source- This is one of the most famous proverbs, and has its roots in ancient times, since then it has been used as a saying. However, the exact source of this proverb is still unknown. During the 16th century, this proverb was widely used in literature.

Meaning- The meaning of this proverb is a universal truth, one who stands by you during times of need is your true friend. Although, it is one of the small proverbs on friendship but has very deep meaning.

Friendship doesn’t mean spending good times together and having fun. A true friendship is one in which your friends are ready to provide support and stand by you during difficult times.

Now, we will talk about 3 best friendship bible verses.

3 Famous Bible Verses on Friendship

  1. “One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”

Source- This line is from the holy Bible Proverbs 18:24.

Meaning-  This is one of the most powerful proverbs about friendship from the holy Bible. It defines the importance of choosing friends with good judgement, moreover, it also emphasizes forming strong bonds and trust with friends. 

Furthermore, it suggests that an unreliable friend can be lethal as a poison, whereas, a good friend will always be with you like a brother. In conclusion, this proverb defines true friendship, which has the potential to become as strong as a family bond.

  1. “Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.”

Source- This line is from the holy Bible Proverbs 27:6.

Meaning- A true friend will always have the intention to benefit you directly or indirectly. Therefore, this proverb says that it is better to take criticism from a friend than get kindness from your enemy. A true friend’s even harsh words would have intentions of benefitting you.

Thus, this friendship proverb emphasizes focusing on what your true friend says rather than focusing on words of flattery of hostile people. Moreover, it also emphasises having good judgement while listening to your friend’s harsh words and your enemy’s kind words.

  1. “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.”

Source- This proverb has been taken from the holy Bible Proverbs 13:20.

Meaning- This is one of the best friendship bible verses, as it focuses on the essence of choosing your company wisely. Your company with people around you influences your judgement, your behaviour, and decisions, therefore, it is important to surround yourself with wise people.

Moreover, it also suggests that one should stay away from the companionship of fools. As fool people’s company can have negative effects on you. One should surround himself with wise, educated and good people who can influence you and help you in gaining wisdom.

Read more Bible verses on Friendship here- https://www.southernliving.com/culture/bible-verses-about-friendship

By Anshuman

Hii, I am Anshuman, I have a zeal to write therefor, I love to express myself using words. I have done my masters in English literature and have interest in diverse fields. Since my college days, I have been taking a great interest in content writing, specially the blogs. I love to write about Friendship, self-improvement, love and relatioship, travel, family, tech and gadgets and entertainment. I have been writing blogs in the above-mentioned niche for more than 3 years and have published hundreds of blogs online. I love to read novels, watch movies, listening to music and solo travelling.

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